
This website was built by Lucius White, Aaryan Pasupula, and Jayma Westlake, all 7th graders in Boyertown Middle School East TSA.

The framework system Bootstrap and a design template from Bootstrap were used. You can get Bootstrap here: : https://getbootstrap.com/

We wrote HTML and JavaScript. We also used Nunchucks with Eleventy to generate HTML for the header and footer and to create all of the recipe pages from markdown files. We customized CSS styles taken from the open source Bootstrap library.

All images were generated using ChatGPT. We intend to replace with real photos of the recipes as we make them.

The domain name kids2cooks.com is registered on AWS Route 53. The website is hosted on Github Pages. There are instructions to do this on Github. (Look for “Pages.”)


Student Copyright Checklist

Plan of Work Log